Side lying pose is accessible to everyone and is a great yoga pose to lower blood pressure.

It is a soothing and comforting position designed to help with letting go. It is especially useful for those looking to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, relieve fatigue and help soothe digestion upset. It’s ideal and safe for pregnancy at any stage and as an alternative to traditional on-the-back final relaxation.

While practicing this pose, all of the chakras are coming into alignment. The energy of the chakras are free to move across the rainbow bridge, finding balance with each breath.

Instruction – yoga pose to lower blood pressure

  • Gently and slowly, come down on to the earth and rest on your most comfortable side, place a blanket support under the head and between the knees. (If pregnant, you may need another blanket under the belly to relieve any pulling sensations of the ligaments)
  • Hug a pillow or blanket, to rest the arms on, like you’re hugging a teddy bear.
  • You can place another blanket on the top hip or lean up against the wall for additional support
  • Slightly shift the bottom hip back and roll top hip forward so the hip joints are not stacked on top of each other.
  • Soften the belly and breathe deep and slow. Feel the breath in body as you witness each inhale and exhale with a gentle awareness.
Yoga for Low Back and Hip Health - instructional yoga book by Cyndi Roberts

My book: Yoga For Low Back and Hip Health

This content is from my book, “Yoga For Low Back and Hip Health.” In it, you’ll find easy gentle and restorative yoga instruction that anyone can do. You’ll be feeling better in no time, without drugs or surgery. No experience needed: it’s perfect for beginners and advanced yogis alike.

What’s in the book?

  • Over 200 pages of in-depth and appropriate instruction
    43 restorative and gentle yoga poses
  • 15 practical and unique yoga sequences. Practice at your convenience—no pressure to get to a packed studio class at an inconvenient time!
  • Includes over 300 high-resolution images to help you along

Learn more about “Yoga For Low Back and Hip Health.”