Yoga therapy for long COVID fatigue: effective techniques for mitigating symptoms

February 15, 2023|

Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a phenomenon where individuals continue to experience symptoms long after the initial infection has passed. The wide range of symptoms associated with long COVID, such as long COVID fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain, and heart palpitations, can [...]

  • Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda for chronic illness

Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda for chronic illness

September 2, 2022|

Living with a chronic illness, we can often feel like we have nowhere else to turn. We’ve tried doctors everywhere, holistic practitioners, books, social media, but can’t seem to find what we’re looking for. That’s because the answers don’t lie outside of us—they lie within us. As someone living with [...]

  • Seven steps to ease sugar addiction by applying Yoga Therapy methods

Yoga therapy for sugar addiction: seven steps to ease sugar addiction

September 2, 2022|

Let’s talk about sugar, baby Cane sugar. Refined sugar. Processed sugar. Sucrose. Maltodextrin. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). You know, that ubiquitous charmer that leaves most of us in a tizzy. It seduces us with innumerable ravishing delights but always ends with a thump, bump, crash, full-on collision. Honestly, I’ve [...]

Chronic pain care for daily living

December 18, 2021|

How you move your body matters. Learn how every day movements can bring relief while living with chronic pain Living with chronic pain is exhausting; it’s all-encompassing and all-consuming. It takes up a lot of space in life. We search to find relief in each moment. Flare-ups affect quality of [...]

  • Woman in black top, sitting in chair meditating

How meditation builds emotional resilience

September 25, 2021|

One morning as I eased into meditation, I set up with great care to sit for my usual 45 minutes. I took a deep breath to settle in. As I did, I closed my eyes, felt my sternum lift, my shoulders drop and my jaw and tongue release. I took [...]

Peace beyond circumstances – balancing life in a pandemic.

November 10, 2020|

In the midst of the pandemic, my full-time working husband has set aside time to watch our six-year-old after he finished his remote learning school day, so I can practice. I’m forever grateful and forever aware of how blessed I am. And yet, days like today, when life seems like [...]

  • Cyndi Roberts on NBC 30 CT Live with Taylor Kinzler and Jimmy Marlow

Cyndi Roberts NBC CT Live! with Taylor Kinzler and Jimmy Marlow

March 26, 2019|

I was honored to be featured on NBC Connecticut's popular show CT Live! recently, discussing therapeutic yoga and how my practices are so instrumental in living with and finding relief from chronic illness. Work with me I teach private, one-on-one therapeutic, gentle, restorative yoga therapy sessions in-person in Southington, CT [...]

Dealing with a healing crisis—healing isn’t linear

January 4, 2019|

So you’re on the path—the path to well-being, inner peace, healing and love. It's about time you learn about dealing with a healing crisis. For most of us on the spiritual path, we’ve had a major life event that knocked us on our asses. For me, it was facing death. [...]

Mindfulness and yoga for grief and PTS

February 18, 2018|

These days, I'm dancing between self-preservation and expansion. I'm riding waves of grief and Post Traumatic Stress. So much is unknown, yet so much is known about how I'm feeling, because only my unique inner wisdom reveals my personal truth. It’s up to me to cultivate space for those answers [...]