In my private West Hartford yoga studio, I often work with clients that come to me with blocked second and third chakras. A blocked second chakra (the sacral chakra) and third chakra (the solar plexus) will manifest in your life as:

  • Difficulty with emotional intelligence (reacting rather than responding to situations and letting emotions rule your life)
  • Creating healthy boundaries in your life
  • Resistance to change
  • Connecting with your personal power and sense of self

Does this sound like you?

I can help. Together, we can release these blocks, balance your emotions with yoga and get you feeling better, more confident and grounded in who you are, and more at ease in your body and your mind.

If you’re in the West Hartford, CT area (or further away and willing to travel), my yoga studio is just off of I-84 in West Hartford.

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Yoga to balance emotions – reclined half crescent pose

This side opening position creates space in the hip, intercostal muscles of the ribs and the top shoulder. As the side of the hip opens, the pelvis realigns, the hip flexors are gently stretched and breathing muscles soften. Deeper breaths create ease in the muscles and the mind.

  • This side opening position creates space in the hip, intercostal muscles of the ribs and the top shoulder. As the side of the hip opens, the pelvis realigns, the hip flexors are gently stretched and breathing muscles soften. Deeper breaths create ease in the muscles and the mind.
  • While practicing this pose, the second chakra (the sacral chakra) and the third chakra (the solar plexus) are awakened. Emotional intelligence has the space to grow, creating healthy boundaries and gracefully moving with the flow of life without resistance to change is enhanced. The energies of the right to act as your true self, connection to self-confidence and personal power with balanced self-esteem and ego-strength are boosted.


  • Lie flat on the back and use a support under the head.
  • Lengthen the legs out on the earth.
  • Bring both legs over to the right side. Cross the left ankle over the right ankle.
  • Inhale and stretch the arms overhead (the arms can rest by your sides if drawing them overhead isn’t accessible). Bring the arms and shoulders over to the right, creating a crescent shape with the body. For more stretch, grab onto the left wrist and gently tug. Release the wrist after a few breaths and allow the arms to rest naturally.
  • Close the eyes and breathe slowly into the side body from fingertips to toes.
  • Hold each side for 3-5 minutes.
  • To transition to the other side: uncross the ankles and bring the legs back to center. Bring the arms and shoulders back to center and pause for a full body stretch before moving into the other side.
  • To release: uncross the ankles and bring the legs back to center. Bring the arms and shoulders back to center and pause for a full body stretch. Option: hug the knees into the chest, place the hands on top of each knee and circle the knees in the same direction. Come onto your most comfortable side and take a few deep breaths before coming up to a seated position. Breathe here before transitioning.

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