• Yoga pose for sciatic nerve pain - belly down half frog

Yoga pose for sciatic nerve pain | belly down ½ frog

Yoga pose for sciatic nerve pain This yoga pose for sciatic nerve pain is a supportive stretch that softens and rests the muscles in the back of the hips and buttocks. With these muscles at rest, the pressure is taken off the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome and sciatic nerve pain […]

  • Restorative Yoga For SI Joint Pain - Pelvic Tilts - exhale, lower hips back down

Restorative yoga for SI joint pain

This restorative yoga for SI joint pain pose—pelvic tilts—when practiced daily, will help you feel better in no time.

This four part breath is designed to release the abs and stretch out tension in the low back area. It’s great to practice after abdominal work and daily to stretch the low […]

  • Yoga for office workers - release tension from too much sitting with supported pigeon pose

Yoga for office workers: supported pigeon pose

Yoga for office workers

This supported hip opener is ideal yoga for office workers to help relieve built-up tension in the hips from sitting for long periods of time. Most of us, especially women, store emotions in the hips. When we stretch this […]

Growth happens outside your comfort zone

“Just when the caterpillar thought it’s life was over, it became a butterfly.”

Butterflies have been following me everywhere for just about two months now. And now, this gorgeous Monarch butterfly is keeping me company on the front porch. 

I’ve been so uncomfortable for the past few months, with lots of uncertainty […]

Clear Out Shame in The Solar Plexus with This Therapeutic Yoga Pose


This restorative side opening position creates space in the hips, low back, intercostal muscles of the ribs and shoulders. The pelvis naturally realigns while tension is eased in the low back. Tension in the side body restricting the diaphragm is cleared, so breathing becomes easier. […]

  • Yoga for deep relaxation - final relaxation pose

Yoga pose for deep relaxation: final relaxation pose

Yoga pose for deep relaxation

This yoga pose for deep relaxation is a supported position that is extremely gentle, accessible for most (avoid during the third trimester of pregnancy) and takes the pressure off the low back. It is a posture where having […]

Yoga Pose For the Solar Plexus Chakra | Reclined Leg Rest

A balanced solar plexus means being connected to our true purpose of life

Living a life from the power emanating within renews our sense of joy for being alive and having purpose.

Reclined leg rest is a great yoga pose for the solar plexus chakra.

This pose allows muscle contraction to release and […]

Yoga For Low Back Tension – Supported Pigeon Pose

Many of my clients that I see in my private West Hartford yoga studio come to me needing personalized yoga sessions to help them alleviate tension in the low back. Supported pigeon pose is a must for yoga for low back tension sequence.

This supported hip opener is ideal to relieve […]

Quick Yoga Sequence For Office Workers

Quick Yoga Sequence For Office Workers

Are you too busy to get to a yoga class?

Feeling stiff and sore from sitting all day?

This quick yoga sequence for office workers is super easy and gentle. The full body stretch sequence will get you energized, refreshed and back into balance.